✨ Just because you had a bad past, That doesn't defy who you are today!
Before September 26th 2016 I was a dope head & dealer, it all started once I lost my mom because before that I had lost my dad...
I did some bad things, lived a bad life, lived on the streets, hustled the wrong way...
Then September 20th my birthday came & I was done. I was done with this life. Done with drugs. Done with dealing. Done with twisting the pipe.
September 26th, 6 days after my birthday I walked into a 60 day rehabilitation place 120 lbs & said IM READY!! If you knew me I was always a bigger girl..
I stayed for 90 days.. Luckily. I had no withdrawals, which was a blessing cause, I just don't know how...
Got Married to the love of my life
My son was with me every step of the way..
I chose that instead of the streets..
🌟 Here I am July 24th, 2 months away from 5 years sober, & I will NEVER look back!
👉 I am healing other places in my life that I have left neglected..
👉 I have started making natural medicine IN MEMORY of my momma, I will share that later..
👉 I have taught myself that everything in my past has happened for a reason...
👉 I have started to help others
👉 I have started my small buisness to help provide for my family, help me heal & help others heal..
👉 I have taught myself about flowers, herbs & so many others things that just excites me 😁
👉 I want others in addiction to know there is HOPE & WE CAN change.. Your not a bad person, you just choose to do bad things..
👉 I've learned that love is more than just a relationship
👉I have made so much art!
👉 I have been a BETTER MOM & WIFE
👉 I have grown past what people THINK of me!
👉 I learned that everybody has there own path..
👉 I've learned to step out my comfort zone & be transparent..
👉 I have learned not to beat myself up for the small things..
👉 I have a home, a Haven & don't have to live in my car or wonder where Im going to lay my head as well as husband & son..
🛡🛡✨✨ I'm opening up to show you there is hope, there is change, there is a future!
🚶 Small Steps are still steps
A day without that drug 💉 IS A DAY YOU WON!
Asking for help is not a bad thing, it may be scary & make you fell vulnerable, BUT I was too! I was scared as 💩 BUT I KNEW IT NEEDED TO BE DONE I was done, I was tired...
☺💕 If you guys made it this far, THANK YOU..
You see who I am now, but alot didn't know..
I felt like I needed to share it..
Goddess Headband & Necklace by: The MerWitches Crafts & Creations on FB
Heres her link